Sunday, June 5, 2011

Monochromatic Thank You

The goodness of this week continues... I had placed an order from PTI and was anxiously awaiting it's delivery.  When it came the other day, enclosed was my PTI 2010 Anniversary set - Botanical Silhouettes. It is a is a FREE Limited Edition stamp set circulated to loyal customers who purchased 12 qualifying stamp sets between February 2010 and February 2011. It is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!  I LOVE PTI products and service and I think it is wonderful that they have this program.

So yesterday when I went over to the Less Is More blog to see what wonderful inspiration was in store for me this week.  When I saw the challenge, I immediately knew what I would do.  The LIM divas are now back to a colour challenge and for this week they have decided to do MONOCHROME - Use shades of one color: using or displaying only shades of one color or black and white. You may choose any colour you wish, but keep all the shades you use within your chosen spectrum.

I LOVE this.  I have never done this before!!  One of the many things I LOVE about the LIM challenges is that they encourage me do things I have never done before.  It's fabulous!!  So I made 2 monochromatic cards using my new PTI set.  I am so pleased with the way they came out.  On the pink one, I put clear stickles in the flower centers. You really can's see that on the picture.

On the blue one, I used my clear atyou spica glitter pen to give the flowers a little sparkle.  You can't see that on this picture either. 
All of the inks I used are from Stampin' Up except for the sentiment, which is VersaFine Onyx Black.  I really enjoyed this and I can now add another style to my repertoire.  Thanks LIM divas!  Now I am going to hop on over to see what fabby creations the LIMettes have whipped up!  Thanks for stopping by!


Pauline said...

These are wonderful, I like them in both colours!

Mandi said...

I adore these Stephanie

Thank you very much
Diva LIM mandi
"Less is More"

TAM said...

Two fabulous cards - love the image, love the colours - love it all

Anonymous said...

These are so beautiful! x

Shirley said...

How absolutely elegant those flowers look with their different shades!!

Chrissie said...

What fabulous images and two super cards Stephanie.
Simply great!
Thanks so much.
Lady LIM
"Less is More"

Beryl K said...

Wow, two fabulous cards
Beryl x

Diane said...

Both are PTI myself!!

Yvonne said...

Wonderful cards Stephanie! Great stamp, lovely colours (I love the pink one), beautiful Less is More cards!
Greetings, Yvon

Jenny said...

Just perfect Stephanie, I love the new stamps too.
I have had one order from PTI but it cost an arm and a leg to get it here and then I got stung on import VAT too :( .... I was expecting that I would tho, but I hoped I might get away with it.
I will just have to drool over your PTI stash instead :)
Jenny x

Gibmiss said...

Gorgeous cards love the flower ...i am waiting for my PTI....Order.....

Rita said...

Fabulous card and Fabulous colours. Hugs Rita xx

Diane Louise J said...

Beautiful cards, love the colours you have chosen xx

Anonymous said...

Two beautiful cards in beautiful colours!
Helen x

Lisa A. said...

Hi Stephanie! Your cards are WONDERFUL!! LOVE the images and paired with the colors you chose...very pretty!! This is one PTI set I don't have..but will have to have, now:)!!

Lisa A. said...

I think this is the anniversary set...I just got it!!! Still in the box, but not for long...yeah:)!!!

Ang C said...

Beautiful cards

Jules said...

Wow Stephanie .. .. these are amazing!!!

What a beautiful finished look. Both are gorgeous but I think the pink one is my favourite.

You must be so pleased with these great makes .. .. I know I would be.

Love Jules xx

Kerry said...

Love the stamps and your cards look great in both colours x

Jess S said...

2 beautiful and stunning cards. I like the pink one too :)

Tricia Williams said...

Gosh so...GORGEOUS. On my favourite list!!! Tricia :O)

Victoria said...

Beautiful cards Stephanie. Love the pretty flowers!
Hugs, Victoria ~x~

Sharon said...

Two lovely colourways!! very pretty image.
Sharon xx

Aileen said...

Gorgeous cards, I love the blues. x

Carole Campanile said...

Absolutely gorgeous. My favorite color is blue, but I really love the red card here.

Lucky you to qualify for that stamp set.


Carol Wilde said...

WOW - both cards are great. Love them


Janice said...

These are beautiful. Jx

Sarah said...

great stamping and fabulous funky colours!
Sarah at 162

suzARTe said...

These cards are just beautiful. Yes,I agree LIM certainly takes us out of our comfort zones

Viv said...

Two lovely cards and such pretty colours too, well done. You are right they do get us thinking don't they lol :O) Viv xx

Debby said...

Fantastic! I really like these cards. Very nice work!

Kathleen said...

Two fabulous cards and look super in both colourways.

Kath x

kingstonmama said...

These are gorgeous, Stephanie. Those flowers are beautiful, and I love the mixes of blues and pinks you've used.

Susan said...

Stephanie, I just got my anniversary set from PTI too, and now you've inspired me to get them out and ink them up! Awesome cards! LOVE that stamp in both colors!!
My card is HERE

Shobana said...

Gorgeous cards! Just lovely! :)
Waiting for my PTI goodies to arrive next week from the US!! Tks for sharing some ideas with the anniversary set which I will get too! Yay! :)

sparklygirl-Tina said...

Hi Stephanie

Oooh love these what a gorgeous stamp set no wonder you were pleased to receive them.

