
Monday, March 16, 2015

She Art

I met a wonderful woman while I was looking at blogs and commenting on the wonderful work that I saw.  We exchanged lovely comments about eachother's work, and even a little of our life's philosophy.  I LOVE it when that happens!  I also learned something new from my new friend, C.  Do you know what "She Art" is?  The challenge over at the Inkspirational Challenge Blog is She Art or an image of a woman.

If you are curious as I was, click HERE to get to Christy Tomlinson's blog.  From what I can tell, she is a She Art expert, and you can get a good idea of what it is all about.

Anyway, after I made this discovery, I was compelled to figure out a way to play this challenge.  I suddenly remembered some collage stamps from Hero Arts that I have had for a very long time and never used.  I pulled them out, and there was no turning back.  Although there is no woman or girl in the image, and this isn't really She Art, I think it works for the challenge. I heat embossed the image  in black, sponged it with Distress Inks, and gave it a spritz of gold shine with Gold Color Shine Spray from Heidi Swapp.  I thought about some words that would be fitting wishes for a special girl in my life.  So I typed the words Wisdom, Confidence, Strength, Dignity, Nurture and Love on my computer, making the type white and the background black.  I printed them on card stock, cut them out, covered with Glossy Accents and adhered to the sponged panel.  I then used a sentiment from Alt&New's Label Love set to finish it off.  Here is the end result:

The gold shine spray really looks fabulous on this card, but I could not capture it in the photo.  I am so happy that I learned something new.   She Art - who knew? Now I do, and I really like the way my attempt at this turned out.  Really took me out of my comfort zone.

I am also submitting this creation to :

Thanks so very much for coming by today.


  1. this is awesome,thanks for sharing!

    sparkle & shine

  2. This is one stunning card and I love all the wonderful inspiring words you have added. So so beautiful.

  3. Stephanie...WOW, WOW and WOW! I'm so honoured to be called 'your friend'...heart-warmed and deeply touched. Thank you! You can't imagine the happy dancing, smiling and applauding (yes, my husband did wonder what I was being all gleeful about!) that happened when I saw your post and card appear! Your card is definitely She Art...uplifting, encouraging, supportive, positive...much as its creator is! Absolutely awesome! Thank you so much for joining us at Inkspiration; thank you for entering my life! Happy sighhhh at my good fortune!

  4. Beautiful and so chock ful of inspiration! Don't you love when you can pull out something that you have saved forever and put it to use?
    I may just have to check out She Art!

  5. This is really wonderful. I have not heard of she art, but as the mother of 2 teenaged girls, I am in favor of anything that sounds like girl power and female empowerment. Have to look this up. Love your collage, and especially those words you spread out on top.

  6. Beautiful collage card with lovely sponged colours. Thanks for playing along at Happy Little Stampers.

  7. I didn't know about she-art, thanks for the info. Beautiful, uplifting, and colorful card! I love the collage you created!

  8. I love your collage design and the colours of the background are a beautiful mix. xx

  9. Congrats at your shout out for this card -- It is quite fabulous!


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