
Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving 2022

Thanksgiving is my most favorite day of the year. When I was a little girl, the day before was for polishing silverware. My mother would prepare pie crusts and put them in the car in the garage, as there was no room in the fridge. Stuffing was made, potatoes were peeled and left in a pot of water on the back porch. It was always cold out, but never freezing, so outside was a second fridge as long as whatever was out there was protected from the squirrels and other critters. My sister, Barbara, would always assemble the cornucopia and we would always make place cards. It was always my parents, my 3 sisters and my Aunt Gina and Uncle Pat at our Thanksgiving table, but there were always place cards. I have carried that tradition of making place cards all of my life. I save them from year to year, and it strikes me lately that it seem that each year, a place card or two from the prior year is for someone who has passed. This is the batch of place cards for this year. Feeling grateful for many things, though this year has been a very tough one. We pause, we gather, we hug and we hope. Wishing you a peaceful Thanksgiving. Take time to smell the turkey. Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. Our screened-in back porch was our second refrigeratated section, Stephanie - it was rarely above 40 degrees in November back then! I'm alive to tell you that our frozen 25-pound turkey was thawed on top of the 'radiator' every year - it's a wonder any of us survived! Perhaps all the bad juju was killed off in the oven all night? I will tell you Mom's turkey was FAR more delicious than the bird I roasted this year... blech!
    I love hearing about your Thanksgiving traditions - and seeing these lovely place cards!
    I know this one is bittersweet but know I'm keeping you and your loved one in my prayers. xx

  2. My MIL always stored food on the porch during the holidays! Hope you enjoyed a Happy Thanksgiving and felt the love of those who were not gathered at the table this year. Big hugs.


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