
Thursday, April 8, 2021

Greetings From My Happy Place

Time Out Challenge #185 begins today,. It is a photo challenge with the inspiration being the gorgeous photo above.

Our challenge runs from Thursday, April 8th to Wednesday, April 21. Our wonderful sponsor is Kitchen Sink StampsChallenge winner will receive at $25.00 gift voucher to the Kitchen Sink Stamps Shop.

Our Guest Designer for this challenge is Claire from Life On The Scrap Heap. Claire is an awesome designer. Please treat yourself to a visit to her blog for some awesome inspiration. You will be so glad you did.

To create my card, I used Kitchen Sink Stamps Isle of Big Bay Lake Multi Step Stamps for the ocean water. For the rest of the design, I used Hero Arts June 2018 My Monthly Hero Kit to complete the scene. 

Please hop on over to the Time Out Challenge Blog to see the wonderful creations that Helen and the Design Team came up with to inspire you. Come play with us!

I'm also playing at:


  1. This really is your happy place and I can so imagine you here! Is that a chair for me!! Love the look of the sand and those birds flying off-I am sitting by my window here now and can her birds but wish I was by the sea!

  2. Sorry, Sandie... that chair is all MINE!!
    Stephanie, I just can't imagine a more wonderful representation of this gorgeous inspiration! Or a calmer, more peaceful scene! Absolutely phenomenal card, my friend!
    Now if I could only get the wiggling-witchery back in my nose!

  3. Could I pull up another chair? I've brought a bottle of bubbles on ice and I have a feeling things will get a little less tranquil!! Such a lovely peaceful card Stephanie with so much texture I can almost feel the sand between my toes! Vicky x

  4. Mmmm, that's paradise, that's what that is, Stephanie! I can't imagine anyone thinking otherwise! You have created the scene perfectly! Thank you for sharing with everyone at NBUS! Hugs, Darnell

  5. I can see why this would be your happy place. What a wonderful and serene scene you have created.

  6. Thank You so much for sharing your happy place with us. I love the way you have created this place. I think that chair is for me. I would love to chit chat and watch the waves crash on the beaches. Thank you for playing along Happy Little Stampers Anything Goes with Dies DT Dhruvika XOXO


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