
Saturday, April 27, 2019

Best Bud

It's time for a new challenge at Less Is More. We are challenged to make a ONE LAYER CARD with the theme of BUDS or PETALS. use subtle colors.

Our fantastic February winner Anila of Novel Ideas Is our Guest Designer. Anila's creativity is so inspiring, and her wicked coloring skills are swoon worthy! Treat yourself to a stroll through her blog and leave her some love.

Our sponsor is Seven Hills Crafts.
For my card, I broke out my never used Altenew Best Buds set. How perfect for this challenge! I chose yellow as the color for my bud, as there is so much gorgeous yellow among the colors in this glorious, exploding spring. All inks on the flower and leaves are from Papertrey Ink. The sentiment is stamped in VersaFine Onyx Black.

Please head over to the Less Is More Blog, see what Anila and the Design Team have created for your inspiration. I hope you'll play along with us to share your creations and have chance to win. Remember to keep your design Clean And Simple.

To be eligible for showCASe and PRIZE WINNER choices you will need to carefully follow the guidance on our GLOSSARY OF TERMS and our HOW TO PLAY pages. Your design should feature lots of clean / white / blank / non patterned / non textured space. All challenge details are on the Less Is More blog.

I.m also playing at:

Alphabet Challenge - Clean And Simple (CAS)

Challenge #494 - Everything's Coming Up...


  1. Love your card, great image and fab sentiment too, Eleanor x

  2. LOVE the beautiful flower on this!! GREAT sentiment!!

  3. This card is gorgeous! Love the pretty flower and the one rounded corner has a great effect without taking away from the focal point. Thank you for playing with us at the Alphabet Challenge and hope you will join us again soon.

  4. Thank you for joining in at the Alphabet Challenge with this beautiful floral card, the rounded corner is a great feature and I love the sentiment

  5. Stephanie, your beautiful flower is just what I had in mind for our challenge. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Little Red Wagon!

  6. Gorgeous CAS card Stephanie! It's so elegant and pretty.
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge
    Mandy xx

  7. This card is so 'you' Stephanie! It has your trademark of an elegant design and image with a really fun sentiment. I love it. The flower bud is an exquisite image xx

  8. Gorgeous card Stephanie, I love that bud!

  9. Wow! This bud is stunning Stephanie. Love the clean and simple design you’ve made with it. It looks so real ! Love the fun sentiment too. Really beautiful. Have a fabulous week! xx

  10. A brilliant bud image to use! I love the colours and the sentiment. Gorgeous! xx

  11. That gorgeous bud is all your card needed, what a beautiful image. I've not been keeping up with any Altenew releases lately as I know my bank balance will take a hit! Love your choice of colour too xx


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