
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Thinking of You

Oh happy day! I finally got to sit down and create something today.  I always think that summer is going to afford me so much time for creating, but it never works out that way. I have been joyously running around doing fun things and soaking up a lot of beach time with my boys, so I can't complain.  Today was a rest and recharge day, so I went right to my happy place.  I also figured out why I was not getting sharp photos and fixed it with a minor adjustment, so I am a happy camper.

This is my take on the Dynamic Duos challenge this week.  I had to switch out Lucky Limeade for  PTI's New Leaf.  Really enjoyed this color scheme.  Thanks so much for stopping in today.  I hope  I am "back in the saddle" as the saying goes...

Paper~PTI Kraft, New Leaf and White.
Stamps~PTI Botanical Silhouettes, Background Basics Herringbone.
Ink~PTI New Leaf, VersaFine Onyx Black.
Accessories~PTI New Leaf and Bloom Builders #3 dies, Kaiser pearls, Websters Pages designer trim, Dimensionals.


  1. I'm so happy you finally made it into the craft space again :0) ... and that chevron bkgd looks amazing behind your pretty blooms, love how you snipped it following the the pattern too. Great take on the challenge :0)
    Hugs Jenny x

  2. Welcome back to your craft room. What a fun card. That trim is really sweet. So glad to see that you've been continuing to shop....Love the red and green for a fun and happy card.

  3. I love the way you have cut the chevron background! It's perfect backdrop for the flowers! So glad to see you at Dynamic Duos!

  4. This is such a fun design, Stephanie! I love the bright flowers and crochet trim! Thanks for playing along with Dynamic Duos!

  5. Lovely card for the color challenge...You made the colors really pop on this card...great design layout...

  6. Such a pretty card. ;-) I love the bold blooms with the TANL leaves, and the herrigbone behind looks great. Love that pretty red trim, too! Glad you could join Dynamic Duos this week. ;-)

  7. Beautiful card! I know what you mean about finally getting a chance to stamp. My craft space gets heated up in the afternoon on hot and sunny days, so all this cooler air is most welcome here in NW NJ.

  8. Absolutely fabulous! Love the BG panel and the way the flowers pop against it! Thanks for joining us at Dynamic Duos this week! :)

  9. Delightful card! Love the flowers against the fun background! So happy you joined us this week at Dynamic Duos!

  10. Love your design. The flowers look fab. x

  11. Love your design. The flowers look fab. x

  12. Love your design. The flowers look fab. x


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