
Sunday, September 19, 2010

You Rock!

The current CRAFTY CATWALK Challenge, which will be open and accepting your designs  until September 30, 2010, encourages you to Style a While and create a beauty using a dark focal point and shimmery products.  I have this wonderful new black sparkle embossing powder from Ranger.  I knew it would be perfect for this challenge, and CPS 185 (below) was the perfect layout for my card.

The guitar is very sparkley, and the Hero Arts nailheads were the perfect shiney embellishment.  Fun, fun, fun!

Here are my indredients:
Stamps: Inkadinkado~Rock Star, Verve~You Rock.
Paper: Basic Black, Black glitter, white, DCWV textured cardstock, Night & Day DSP (SSU retired), Ghostly Greetings DSP (SI retired).
Ink: VersaMark, VersaFine Onyx Black.
Accessories: Nestabilities, Her Arts self adhesive nailheads, Ranger Black Sparkle embossing powder, sanding block, Dimensionals, Spiral Punch (SU retired).

Please stop by CRAFTY CATWALK and give their challanges a little love...


  1. I love what you have done with that guitar set! Very cool.

  2. What a fun card!! Loving the guitar & sentiment! The jewel accents are such a perfect touch for it! Great job with CPS 185!!



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