
Monday, August 16, 2010

Tim's Somewhat Classic Rock CD

My friend's son is off to college today, and I wanted to give him a little something special to take with him.  He's a great kid and my family loves him... so I bought a bunch of Milano cookies, which he LOVES.  He also loves "Classic Rock".  I grew up in the time that classic rock was just the music that was happening - it's more "Geezer Rock" now... but I made him a CD song mix and had so much fun doing it.  Turns out that about half of the songs are really "Classic Rock" and the rest are just songs along my life's way that I love like "More Than This" from Roxy Music, some Cure, Hooters, etc.

Anyway, I needed to make this quickly.  I used the tutorial by Cindy Lyles on SCS for the CD Case.  To decorate it, I knew I wanted to use Verve's Relax set because Tim is a beach lover.  I went to the Verve Gallery and CASE'd THIS fabulous card by Tosha Leyendekker.  Thank you Tosha!!  I also used Verve's Happy Days for the circular flourish.

I am so pleased with the way this turned out.  The surfboard and sun images are colored with Copics.  The grey polka dot and plaid papers are from My Mind's Eye, and the sand is made from some paper I had in my stash from Creative memories.  I used a CM paper trimmer that cuts in a pattern of waves and swells to make the sand pieces. The black circle layer beneath the ivory circle with the sentiment on it, is this wonderful sparkle paper i got at my LSS, Scrapper's Cove.  It felt like sand to me, so it went perfectly with this theme. 

I wish Tim every happiness and excitement and success in his new venture as a college student.  Work hard and fly right, my dear.  I hope his parents leave him without too many tears (theirs, not his - ha ha).  I hope he likes the music.  I know he will love the cookies.  Thanks for stopping in.

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