
Saturday, July 23, 2022

The Ocean Will Set Your Soul Free

CYHTP July 23 - August 10 - Beach

A new challenge starts today at Can You Handle The Pressure? where the theme is always Anything Goes with an Embossing Folder and an optional twist. Heat embossing is welcome, but not required. An Embossing Folder must be used. For this challenge, the twist is "Beach".

Although my scene is not a "beach" scene per se, when I go to the beach, I go to the ocean. So here we are! I have the good fortune of having the ability to go to the beach pretty much whenever I want, and I do this frequently. There's no place I'd rather be.

To create my card,  I used a Kraft card base. I debossed using Ink on 3 Fleurette's ~ Atelier Ink - Shark Tooth White ink, Catherine Pooler Ocean Buddies stamps and dies colored with Copics. The sentiment is from Picket Fence Studio's Swim In The Sea stamp set.

Please head over to the Can You Handle The Pressure Challenge Blog to check out the Design Team inspiration projects. You are sure to be impressed! Then dive into your embossing folder collection and join us with or without the twist! Just be sure to use an embossing folder on your creation!

I'm also playing at:


  1. Love how you debossed the waves, the white ink is so subtle but still gives the look of so much more dimension. Love the stingray stamp too!

  2. Fabulous card and 'beach' scene!! I too love the beach when it's warm, we don't live near the ocean but have a beach home on one of the Great Lakes so I feel lucky as well to have beach life whenever I want to!!

  3. OH WOW ... I have that embossing folder and never thought to use it in this manner ... What a fun & fabulous creation!! Well done!

  4. Brilliant card, design and love the image, perfection + ♥

  5. Hey, I have that embossing folder!! It's an oldie but goodie, Stephanie - you've made it seem new again with that ink!
    Love your friend from-the-sea and that fun 'sandbar!'

  6. Marvelous ocean embossing and a fun scene. Thank you for joining the challenge at Allsorts.

  7. This is such a fabulous scene you have created the content and colours are ACE thank you for joining us at ALLSORTS
    lolo x

  8. This is such a cute card! I agree, there's nothing like walking through the sand and dipping your toes into the ocean!

  9. Well how stinkin' CUTE!! I love all your sea creatures, and that embossing folder is perfect for this look. Well done!!

  10. Beautifully designed! Love the sentiment

  11. You have chosen a great embossingfolder for this card. It fits perfect to the scene.
    Lia xx


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