
Friday, April 29, 2022

Let's Do Lunch

It's time for a new challenge at Festive Friday where every challenge is an inspiration list based on a selected holiday/festivity from the traditional to the unusual. Challenge projects must include at least three items from the festivity inspiration list. Your project does not have to go with the challenge theme. You can just use 3 or more items from the inspo list for your creation.

Today's festivities are inspired by National Eat What You Want Day, which takes place on May 11th. April 29th.

The challenge runs from April 15th to April 25th.

I like to create a card for our challenge that goes with the theme. For this one, I stamped images from Paper Smooches Calorie Free and Alfresco stamp sets on Neenah Solar White 80# paper using VersaFine Onyx Black ink. I heat embossed with clear embossing powder, then colored  with Copics. I added texture to a white panel with STAMPlorations Circles All Over Texture Cover Plate and arranged the die cut foods on it popping them up with Dimensionals.  I added a piece of twine, and my card was complete.
I used food, red and twine from the inspo list.

Come play with us! Remember that your project does not have to go with the challenge theme. You can just use 3 or more items from the inspo list for your creation!

For more inspiration, be sure to visit the rest of the Festive Friday Challenge Design team:


  1. Looks like a great lunch to me, such cute images, especially that taco!

  2. Wow now that is the cutest dang card and calorie free eating. How perfect is it for this challenge? Amazing

  3. You have ticked all my food boxes, Stephanie - isn't it wonderful playing with those fun PS sets again?
    Delectable choices for your darling card, my friend! x

  4. Stephanie, your collection of stamps which are perfect for every challenge never ceases to amaze me! These have to be the cutest food stamps ever. Love the little sentiment, too!

  5. Now that's a smorgasbord! I love how you pulled all these wonderful food elements together to make a delicious-looking card! Thanks for making me smile


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