
Friday, February 19, 2021

Life Is A Blank Canvas

It's time for a new challenge at Festive Friday where every challenge is an inspiration list based on a selected holiday/festivity from the traditional to the unusual. Challenge projects must include at least three items from the festivity inspiration list.


Since the Inspiration List is a mix of elements related to the festivity, the creator has the choice to make something for that festivity, or to ignore the festivity all together and create something using just the three (or more) elements selected.

Today's festivities are in celebration of International Women's Day, which is celebrated on March 8th. The challenge runs from February 19 - March 1.

For my Women-themed project, I used: heart, girls/women, lipstick. I really wanted to push myself to do something out of my comfort zone for this one - and also something loving and encouraging. I decided to make a card with a mixed media collage design. I recently bought a wonderful array of stamps and stencils from Funky Fossil Designs. I used a gel press panel that I created a while ago for my background and built on the design from there. I am super pleased with the way it came out.

Supplies Used:
Stamps~Funky Fossil Designs Musings, Lotus Reflections, She Is Fierce. STAMPlorations Scribbly Splattery Grunge. Essentials By Ellen All Inside by Julie Ebersole.
Accessories~Spellbinders Hemstitch Rectangle Dies

For more inspiration, be sure to visit the rest of the Festive Friday Challenge Design team.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Stephanie, these are the things a girl needs to hear, and so very cool! You nailed mixed media! Something this girl knows nothing about!

  3. Stephanie, I admire how you so successfully created a different style card and with such a great message. I love the look of mixed media, but out of my comfort zone too, but your card is great inspiration!

  4. Stephanie, this is such a fabulous card! I love the collage effect. What a perfect sentiment! This is one of my favorite cards. You nailed the challenge for sure!

  5. I love your card! Your decision to play outside of your comfort zone is a TOTAL success! Just fabulous!

  6. Beautiful work of art! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Double D ‘Anything with a Heart’ challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.
    DOUBLE D Challenge Blog
    Please stop in for a visit!


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