
Sunday, January 31, 2021

Stick With Love


When I saw the cue for this CASology challenge, I was touched and inspired. I wanted to play so much, and I am screaming in at the last minute to do so. There are a million thoughts and emotions behind my intent, but suffice it to say, I am pleased to join this challenge. The word "unite" can mean so many things. We have seen it demonstrated of late in both the positive and the negative. I choose that word to be positive and healing and good. So glad that I was able to take the time to make this card tonight.

I used an image and sentiment from the We Stand With You stamp set from The Stamping Village that came out in 2020. I am pleased and proud to own it. Huge thanks and hugs to those who created it.

I used a strip of Washi tape to represent the world, and repeated the hands holding heart image in different skin shades, coloring them with Zigs. I love this card. I am feeling full as I post it. Stick with love. Cheer for love. Live in love. Let love win.


  1. What a fantastic card, Stephanie. Love all the positive thoughts and vibes that went into it, and that are streaming out into the universe from it. Thanks so much for playing along at CASology.

  2. Wow, you really show us the meaning of Unite here! Beautiful (and needed...) Hugs, Gerrina

  3. Love, love love your card Stephanie. What could be a better design than this for the word 'unite'. The world needs this positivity.
    Lynne x

  4. Stephanie, this is a wonderful, loving, meaningful card! Well done, you!

  5. I love every detail of this design! The washi tape is so perfect paired with the heart hands. Thanks for playing along with us at CASology!

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  9. Bless you Stephanie, a beautiful card full of meaning and full of love. That is a wonderful message and I second it! Hugs, Vicky x

  10. Super card, I do love hearts


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