
Thursday, June 6, 2019

One Touch Of Nature

Time Out Challenge #137 is up and running. The theme is NATURE, with a twist of creating a one layer card. 

Our challenge is sponsored by Uniko. A winner will be chosen at random to receive an in-stock stamp set of their choice. There's a twist there too! In order to be in to win, you must do our twist of creating a one layer card.
Another winner will be chosen by our Design Team to join us as Guest Designer on a future challenge.

Lise is our Guest Designer. Lise is a very talented designer with an eclectic style. She often creates wonderful scenes and has mad coloring skills! Do treat yourself to a visit to her blog and leave her some love. You'll be so glad you did.

For my card, I sponged the large leaf from Uniko's Nature's Treasures II stencil on a Ninah Solar White card base with 3 green shades of Distress Oxide Ink. I added a sentiment from a Stampin' Up set that was buried deep in my stash - A Touch Of Nature (2005).

Please head over to the Time Out Challenges Blog to see what Lise and the rest of the Design Team have created for your inspiration. Play with us to share your creation, and twist with us to have a chance to win a prize from Uniko. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

I'm also playing at:


  1. now this card I love-image down the edge, one layer and such fresh colours. I adore the way you layered up the leaves using the different greens-fabulous x

  2. Awesome CAS Design! The project is perfectly balanced and visually impressive. Thanks for sharing with us at Shopping Our Stash!
    Chana, DT

    P.S. We have a stencil challenge at A Place To Start if you would like to play along with us.

  3. Fabulous CAS card with wonderful stamping and loving the colour combination x.

  4. Great CAS card and lovely use of your stencil. Thanks for joining in with us at A Place to Start this month.
    Scarlett xoxo

  5. Stephanie, you have a wonderful eye for both composition and color. CAS is not easy because if the project is not organized just right the visual impact is lessened. You have a natural talent, it seems, for getting the most out of your space. Thanks for another awesome creation shared with us at A Place To Start.]
    Chana Malkah, Owner/Designer
    A Place To Start Challenge Blog
    613 Avenue Create Challenge Blog

  6. So beautiful how you used the stencil! Love tha colours and the beautiful CAS layout! Never know what you are going to make; like that! Hugs, Gerrina

  7. Fresh, dreamy and so deliciously CAS, Stephanie ... those luscious greens are gorgeous! Hugs, Anita :)

  8. Fab clean-and-simple card. Your color combination really pops. Just all-around visually pleasing. Perfect sentiment choice, too. Job well done! Thanks for paying along at "A Place to Start."

  9. This is simply GORGEOUS!!! I love the mix of colorful leaves!!

  10. I love the sharp stencilling and the colour choices you've made. Along with that sentiment this truly is a wonderful make. I am so happy that you shared the CAS make with us at 'a place to start'. Tina Chianna x


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