
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

There And Back Again

I came upon this new challenge which I think is just fantastic!! The Library Challenge - for crafters who love books. Well, that certainly is me. I love to read,  I'm a children's librarian in a Pre-K through 8 school, and have worked in the book industry for most of my career. This is right up my alley!!!

The inspiration for the current challenge is The Hobbit. You can take your inspiration from:

The cover

The title
The story.

I took mine from the cover. If you look beneath the mountains in the cover art, there is a row of trees with black trunks. That is what I focused on. The "sentiment" is the subtitle, or alternate title to the book. I made it by combining words from different stamp sets, embossed them in white on black paper, and then I cut them out and popped up on foam tape.

I love this challenge idea, and I hope to be able to play often. Thank you Marina, for coming up with this awesome idea!!!


  1. Thank you for your kind words , Stephanie! Your card is amazing - the trees and colour combo is perfect for the cover and I am very impressed with how you managed to make the book's alternative title using stamp sets. Thanks for joining The Library.

  2. A very cool challenge and love your take on it.

  3. Great card, Stephanie - it's a stunner! And hello to one school librarian from another! It's a crazy job, isn't it, Jo x

  4. Great take on the challenge, the trees look fantastic against the background. Fab idea to use a mixture of sentiments, adds interest x


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