
Thursday, June 8, 2017

A Happy Hello

Time for a new challenge at Time Out Challenges! This time the theme is "Home Sweet Home" - photo inspiration with a homey twist! 
Here is the inspiration photo for Time Out #85:

There are so many wonderful things focus on in this photo, but that beautiful hummingbird caught my immediate attention. I also incorporated many of the colors in the photo. I love all things tropical.

Ashwini is our Guest Designer for this challenge.

Happy Little Stampers are our sponsors with $15 gift voucher for the winner.

Come play with us! The Design Team has come up with some wonderful inspiration to get you started. Check out their projects, and then create something of your own to link up to the gallery and play for a chance to win.


  1. oh I love this, a piece of art, worth framing I think. I adore the colouring and that soft wash-beautiful x

  2. Wow super colouring! I'm with Sandie; worth to frame! Wouldn't want to sent this one of :) Hugs, Gerrina

  3. Amazing work, Stephanie! Your Zig watercoloring looks amazing and this wast the perfect stamp choice for the challenge. I love how you captured the tropical feel. Just beautiful!!

  4. Wow, Stephanie, your feeding hummingbird is just gorgeous ... the soft colouring is beautiful ... I'm transported to some tropical climes just looking at it! Hugs, Anita :)

  5. So beautiful Stephanie - your water colouring is just gorgeous and really brings the tropical feel to life - I can almost see his little wings beating! Simply stunning! Jill

  6. a happy hello for sure Stephanie. Your coloring is amazing. Love your take on the inspiration photo!

  7. This is simply stunning Stephanie. How did you colour it?? The colours are absolutely gorgeous and so perfect from the inspiration. Jenny x


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