
Thursday, December 22, 2016

Wake Up And Be Awesome!

Time Out Challenge #73 - December 22, 2016 - January 4 2017
Theme: Inspired By Words
 "With each sunrise we are given a chance for a new beginning". 

What wonderful words to ponder as we look toward the beginning of a new year!

Our wonderful sponsor for this challenge is:

First place winner will receive a $20.00 gift voucher for the STAMPlorations store. Honorable Mention winners will receive a $10.00 gift voucher.

Here is my take on the inspiration:

The inspiration words are so positive and hopeful which I translated here as loud and colorful. I love this Tim Holtz stencil, and i really love this sentiment from I think in combination, they really fit the inspiration perfectly.

Please head on over to the Time Out Challenge Blog and see the wonderful projects that the DT has come up with. See where the wonderful inspiration quote takes you, link up, and play with us! Thanks for stopping by today!

I am also playing at:

SIP #79 - Where the challenge is Anything But Christmas!


  1. this burst of colour is perfect for this sentiment, the card is so uplifting xx

  2. The colours look so great sponged with this stencil! A card that is perfect to new beginnings! Hugs, Gerrina

  3. What a fabulous riot of rainbow colour, Stephanie ... so full of vibrancy and energy ... and perfect with that brilliant sentiment! Hugs, Anita :)

  4. Your card is so cheerful and happy! I have this stencil too and have never used it with any other inks than "sun colors" and your take with the color choices looks amazing! Great job!

  5. such a bright and uplifting the look!

  6. It's funny - I was thinking of using this stencil too when I first read the quote.... great minds.. I don't think this is the first time we have thought along the same lines - I seem to remember some Crazy Halloween birds... :)
    You used this stencil so brilliantly - love love love the bright bold colours and the bold sentiment - perfection!!!!
    Happy new year!

  7. Stephanie I love this - it is such a you card - meaning it reminds me of you and your spirit. I bet you do this every day :D The bright colours against the black is so cool. I've seen people digging out this stencil everywhere, how do I not have it???!!! Jenny x


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