
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Your Couch Or Mine?

There's a new challenge up at Time Out Challenges, and the theme this time around is Home Sweet Home: A photo inspiration challenge with a homey twist! 

Our wonderful Guest Designer is Hazel of Hazel's Paper Designs. She will design with us for our initial and our reminder challenge posts for Challenge #70.  Please check out her wonderful work on her blog and on the Time Out Challenge Blog.

Here is the inspiration photo:

Here is my take.

I really took this one quite literally (I tend to do this with Time Out Home Sweet Home challenges). Those awesome wings hanging on the wall immediately brought the wings from PTI's Love Lives Here Christmas to mind, and the pillows immediately made me think of PTI's On My Couch, You can see what happened from there. To give it a little sparkle and shine, I added Dreamweaver Metallic Gold Embossing Paste using Tim Holtz's Speckles stencil on the card base.

Please head on over to the Time Out Challenges Blog, and check out the DT's wonderful inspiration projects. Then create a project of your own, link up, and play with us!

Thanks for your visit today!


  1. What a sweet, cosy and fun scene, Stephanie ... love the scattered gold shimmer in the background ... adds such a sense of magic! Hugs, Anita :)

  2. This is the photo! Such a perfect take and such a sweee card. I love that little sofa and such a cool sentiment. My fav bit is the added gold background, a little bit of grunge mixed with the sweet image, I really like contrast in cards x

  3. I LOVE the elements you have chosen to create your card Stephanie! I considered trying to replicate those amazing wings for AGES, but to no avail! Very clever! Thanks so much for having me guest with you this month at TOC!

  4. Looks so good made by you! You captured the most essencial bit of the pic! Fun to see how each DT-member has an own way to deal with the challenges... :)!

  5. I think it's great you did it exactly like the photo - pretty and quirky.

  6. Totally captivated by this 'romantic' card you've designed, Stephanie! Love that sentiment and a pink couch? Oh my! Wonder if I could convince my husband to have one of those (likely not, but hey...worth a try *grin*)

  7. I love your take on the inspiration photo ! I love the sweet and cozy scene you've created ! And your pillows, so attractive (3 rounds and 1 square vs 3 squares and 1 round : funny !). And the wings are perfect ! Love the final touch with the gold splatters on the card base ! Thanks for sharing and inspiring.
    Izzy Scrap

  8. What a great and cozy scene you created. I love it. I thought of the couch, too, and am glad I went in another direction as I would not have made anything nearly as nice as yours. I'd love to come over and sit next to you on that cozy couch.

  9. I love this Stephanie! I hadn't even thought of using the couch - and you have done it perfectly (love the sentiment!)! I think that my favourite part is the gold EP background - it's gorgeous - I was trying to figure out how you did it from the picture so thanks for explaining it - I may be CASEing that sometime soon ;) Hugs, Jill


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