
Saturday, January 16, 2016

Welcome Baby Tag

This adorable tag by Tracey McNeely is the inspiration for the current Tag, You're It Challenge #38. I used Simon Says Stamp Party Animals to create my take on Tracey's inspiration piece:

I just love the little images in this set - perfect for this project. Thanks so much for coming by and taking a look.


  1. Stinkin' cute baby tag. Love those little presents lined up with the bear (monkey?) and that font is perfect for a baby tag.

  2. Such a darling baby tag Stephane! Love the watercolor background and little gifts! Thanks for joining us at Tag You’re It!

  3. Such a sweet and darling babytag. Thanks for joining us over at Tag You're It.

  4. Look at that little monkey with the banner, cute as can be! Love your watercolor bg, and the sweet way you colored your images. Adorable tag! Loved that you were inspired to play along at TYI!

  5. Fun! Love the background, thanks for joining us at Tag You're It Challenge.

  6. Hello wonderful Stephanie! Hanging my head in shame at being so behind in commenting; as I mentioned in my recent "poor me" post, life’s been supremely hectic, what with work, travel (which involved work…crazy amounts!), DT commitments (which I’ve fallen behind in, too) and a plethora of other stuff! I hope that my ‘thought bubbles of love’ for all your cards have reached you, because I send them frequently! Catching up right now, in hopes that a fresh slate will see me being far more prompt in the future (well..trying to be, at least *grin*). This baby tag is seriously adorable! The wee monkey makes me smile! Cutie-patootie!


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