
Saturday, September 15, 2012

What's Up?

I finished this card days ago, but have had lots of computer problems and Blogger has not been my friend lately.  This is my take on the latest Runway Inspired challenge which closed last night.  I really like the way it turned out and wish I could have squeaked it in for the challenge, but c'est la vie.  Thank you for coming by. Have a beautiful day.  


  1. Sorry to hear of your tech gremlins!! Smashing card modern and bold, perfect for a guy :0)
    Jenny x

  2. Fabulous card. I recognize images from several of my fave sets. Bummer about missing the deadline. That's happened to me, too. Well, at least you have a great card.

  3. What a great interpretation of the photo - even the circles of light on the floor!!

  4. Love the look of your graphic card. x


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