
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Music Therapy

It"s been sooooooo long since I've been able to take some time to craft.  This morning after I finally got into my craft room and made this card for this week's LIM challenge, I was reminded that I need to do this to stay balanced.  It is my therapy, my grounding, my happy place.  I know that, but it really struck me today.  I thought about the other night when I was having dinner with family and friends. Here is a snippet of our conversation:

Friend: "Fill in the blank: the Christmas season has not started until..." 
Me: "Until I have had my Christmas nervous breakdown." 
My 12 year old son: "Well, I guess it must be Christmas!"


I have been on overload like everyone else.  Today with the inspiration of my favorite duo, Chrissie and Mandi, I found my happy place again.  This week is Theme Week and Chrissie and Mandi have chosen MUSIC.
I have not captured the beauty of my card with this photo.  As Mandi said in her post, white on white is horrendous to photograph. The texture and finish of the two white papers work so beautifully together.  Here are the supplies I used:
Paper:  Real Red, textured linen, pearl finish.
Ink:  VersaMark, Ranger Antique Linen distress ink. VersaFine Onyx Black.
Stamps:  PTI Christmas Blessings, Waltzingmouse Musical Backgrounds.
Supplies:  Memory Box Flowering Christmas Tree die, gold embossing powder, self adhesive crystals, Scor-Tape, corner rounder. 
This is perhaps the third Christmas card I have made so far. Only 147 to go. LOL!  I did not send Christmas cards for the first time three years ago.  Since then each year I vow that I am going to make and send them, but every year I run out of time.  Maybe valentines...
In case this is my last post before Christmas, which is probably a sure bet, Christmas Blessings to you, however you spend this special time.  Wishing you peace and some time to enjoy the beauty that is at the heart of the season. Merry Christmas.


  1. This card is so beautiful! Love that white tree.

  2. What a beauty! I'm glad that you've find back your "happy place"!

  3. Stephanie, I am so glad you got some "me" time to make this card. It is truly striking and beautiful. If it looks this gorgeous online, I can only imagine how pretty it is in person.

    Have a WONDERFUL Christmas with your family. I enjoyed your nervous breakdown story! I feel the same way...I just got back from the school delivering my gifts to the 13 teachers, assistants, and therapists that work with my girls. Phew! Getting that done every year always makes me feel better, but I still have NOTHING for my dh. I am nearly done wrapping what I have to give to my family, so that's good. I also need something more for my sweet sweet sister...then I only need to work on thank you notes. Almost there...

  4. I'm happy that you're happy Steph and such a wonderful card to smile about too :) I love the idea of the die cut over the manuscript :)
    Glad to see I'm not the only one who has Christmas panic breakdowns and admits it!!!
    Have a great Christmas :)
    Jenny x

  5. Okay for you Stephanie, I am really envious. I am seeing your lovely cards and you used Memory Box dies too! I have been looking, but don't want to pay what they are asking. This card is just so gorgeous!!!!!

  6. Loved your quote Steph... it really made me smile... and your card is simply gorgeous.
    Thanks so much for your fabulous support...we're so glad we're your favourite duo!
    Thanks so much & Happy Christmas
    "Less is More"

  7. Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog. It's so encouraging reading what others think. I love the die cut over the top of the musical manuscript. It's very elegant. I hope you have a lovely, relaxing Christmas x

  8. Wowers girlie...this is gor to the geous!!!!

  9. Lovely card, Stephanie. Glad you found some crafting time. Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday. Ann Y.

  10. I think that quote relates to all of us over Xmas! Still have to put up the tree and wrap the presents, clean lounge and dining room - yikes!
    Beautiful card Steph, good to see your work at LIM again! Karen x

  11. Gorgeous card, I really love it! I love my little crafting space too, it keeps me sane :) Hope you have a crafty christmas and Thankyou for all your lovely kind comments on my blog this year, big hugs x x

  12. Sensational card Stephanie.
    LOVE the conversation you had with your son lol
    thank you for the kind comments, we are chuffed we are your fav duo!
    Thank you so much
    "Less is More"

  13. Simply beautiful card and yes, I guess it must make it almost Christmas!

    Seasons Greetings



  14. This is beautiful truth, for me at least. I agree. Music plays an important role in my life. RAV Vast are my music therapy


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